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2011年12月2日 星期五


以下的文章是從 "Come into my trading room"這本書節錄出來的,我認為現在檯面上的大屍及不肖的理財專員運用的就是這種手法。

如果你遇到這種人,在心理罵一聲 F x C K ,然後拍拍屁股或關掉電視走人 ~

An advisor I’ve known for years was recently indicted by the Feds for stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from Japanese clients. Prior to that, he cultivated a reputation as one of the most prominent market experts in the United States, constantly quoted by the media. We were introduced at a conference, where people paid thousands of dollars to listen to him. He asked me what I thought of his presentation, and I said it sounded amazingly interesting but I could not understand much of it. “That’s the point,” he beamed. “If my clients believe I know something they don’t, I’ve got them for life!” I knew right away the man was dishonest, and was surprised only by the size of his loot.


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